Atty. Benjamin C. Abalos, Jr.

On this Day of Valor 2024, let us come together and remember the bravery and heroism of our soldiers 84 years ago, when they willingly laid down their lives to liberate our nation from foreign aggressors.

As we reflect on their courage and sacrifices during that infamous Death March, let us come up with complete resolve to ensure that their gallantry would not go in vain.

As our country currently faces similar huge challenges and adversities, let us rally behind our beloved President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. in standing up for our rights, and in protecting our sovereignty and independence as a nation.

Let us emulate our heroes by keeping the flame of nationalism and love for country burning in our hearts, as we forge a Bagong Pilipinas that coexists peacefully and in harmony with the community of nations.

Mabuhay ang Lahing Pilipino!